Friday, 9 December 2016

Very wise words.... An Inconvenient Truth About Silicon Valley and Donald Trump

Probably the cleverest thing I have read about Trump so here it is... Not written by me. 

My own thoughts on Trump are not safe to write down....

An Inconvenient Truth About Silicon Valley and Donald Trump

The President-elect’s disruptive platform sounds awfully familiar to the valley’s leaders

I’ve come to believe that Donald Trump makes Silicon Valley’s founders uncomfortable precisely because they all have so much in common. Hear me out. They consider themselves the ultimate disruptors. Trump won the presidency (if not the popular vote) on the promise of being anti-establishment, and changing everything. This ethos has long defined the valley; it’s the idea from which tech’s founders take their sense of identity — and one that still reverberates through garages, startup accelerators, and shared office spaces from Palo Alto to San Francisco. Everything can always be reimagined so that it’s better than it is right now, and the best way to do it is to ignore the current constraints and systems and dream up new ones.
The problem, however, is that many of the valley’s most disruptive ideas have transformed into massive companies that have established themselves in our culture and economy as mainstream. Techies may think of themselves as disruptors, but they’ve emerged as the titans of industry — the kind of established power brokers that don’t take well to the chaos that comes with new disruption. And Trump? He is disruption embodied. Trump reminds them of the gap between their roots, and their current status. (Check out today’s piece on Uber in a Trump era.)
Often, when people set out to take down the establishment, they succeed in creating a more elite and calcified version of it. It’s classic. Earlier this week, I published a story about Peter Thiel’s eponymous fellowship program, which pays young people to forego college in favor of entrepreneurship. Intended to be a meritocratic way to help smart teens learn about entrepreneurship without going into debt, the Thiel Fellowship has become a prestigious entitlement bestowed on already successful young men (and just a few women), many of whom look and sound remarkably similar to Thiel himself. He set out to take down higher education— to prove that a pedigree didn’t have to matter. Instead, he just created an even more elite pedigree, bestowed to an even narrower cast of already established entrepreneurs.
In many ways, the fellowship’s trajectory reflects the recent history of Silicon Valley. Its charter members were renegades and contrarians — people who took issue with the status quo, and who had radical ideas about how to change the future. But their success in pushing those ideas forward came with a price: Those ideas moved the founders who had them from fringe to mainstream. In the United States and the beyond, everyone got a personal computer. Then an AOL account. Then Facebook. Then a smartphone, and on and on. And as technology crossed from nerdland to the center of our economy, the companies that introduced it grew from innovative tiny startups to the titans that now threaten nearly every industry. 
Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Facebook, and Google are five of the seven largest companies in the world. (Berkshire Hathaway and ExxonMobil are the other two.) In other words, the disruptors have become the establishment.
Which brings me back to Peter Thiel. He has become the de facto ambassador to the valley. He has grown up to become a member of the new establishment, without abandoning his roots. He is a self-made billionaire, having benefitted from the valley’s rise; he wrote Mark Zuckerberg his very first check for Facebook. But he’s also the kind of freethinking contrarian who positions himself as antiestablishment. 
He is always willing to bet against the status quo, to take a swing at the institution. I wrote about the fellowship in part because I wanted to understand Thiel better by learning about the people with whom he surrounds himself. In doing so, I re-read Zero to One, the best-selling book he wrote with Blake Masters on building startups. Even those people who take issue with Peter personally will often step back and acknowledge that it’s a very smart look at what makes valley companies successful.
 My favorite thought that he introduces is one that embraces the power of humans. He writes: 
“Other animals are instinctively driven to build things like dams or honeycombs, but we are the only ones that can invest in new things and better ways of making them.”
In classic Silicon Valley fashion, Thiel made a contrarian bet that the ideas Trump espoused — primarily, that many Americans weren’t being served by the current establishment, and a massive disruption could unleash the change they needed — would be embraced. 
He was right. The danger is that Thiel’s stab at remaking the administration under Trump will turn out as misguided as his attempt to build a program to replace college — instead of introducing the change that will make all of American great again, it will simply make a lot of rich white men (and a few women) even richer and more entrenched than they already are.
And sadly probably what's going to happen. The rich will get very quickly richer.

And for a more balanced and even clevererererer view - which is still kinda surprisingly pro trump - check this out. 

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