Friday 31 August 2012

Once in a Blue Moon we can all be Altruistic

As a fan of a football team which gets much of its inspiration from the Song of the same name - Blue Moons mean a lot to me.

But I never really understood what it meant until a week ago. You see a Blue Moon - isn't actually blue (but you knew that, didn't you...)

It's all about how many times the moon becomes full in a month. Normally, its once but once in a blue moon - it happens twice - hence the saying.

The second full moon of the month in August will occur today on Friday, Aug. 31, a phenomenon which only happens seven times every 19 years or roughly once every two and a half years.

It takes the moon 27.3 days to complete its full orbit around the Earth. In order for two full moons to land during the same calendar month, one must be at the very beginning and the other at the very end.

Interesting huh? So Mashable (where the above explaination comes from) asks a good question - what are you going to do to celebrate this Blue Moon.

Well, myself, my answer came in a dream. I kid you not.

So I am going to do something for charity - I am going to create an application, a social application, maybe become a mobile application which will incentivise people to give more money to charity.

Not a light task - but one inspired by FreakEconomics - which I watched last night.

And one also inspired by a good friend of mine, who last week, asked in a way only a good and old friend can (over a heart to heart over a beer.)

"Dan what happened to you man....all this clever marketing stuff is all very well, but I met someone better than that, its very clever, but where's the heart?"

I paraphase but you get the idea. And you know what I couldnt answer him.

I tried with the fact that my trainings empower people especially young and new business owners and small business owners who want to make their lives better and with them the world.

I spluttered something about how my new idea with Massmob would help the app ecosystem and give part time mobile developers more money which helps our economy.

I challenged him with how I used to work for charities but they barely listened and didnt change quick enough and were annoying!

I did lots but in the end I knew he was right - "Where was the heart?"

So here's the heart - here's the idea. Here is me using some of my talents and time to do something to give something back - to do something purely for charity.

And so I need your help - as this idea might be genius, rubbish, illegal or just plain stupid. All I know is that it comes from the right place.

We can all be Altruistic - once in a blue moon.

Find out more and give me your thoughts here.

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