That asset is your mindset. Your IP [Intellectual Property] and how you master your emotions are your strategic advantage and part of the key that will secure you during this economic turmoil. Unlike shares and investing, there's no downside risk. Everything positive that you feed your mind with you can NEVER Lose - and the upside normally ranges from a 100% to 10,000% return on your investment, regardless of the economy. Get that in a bank?!
So the first priority is to protect any assets you have. In this economy it doesn't mean insuring them or paying them down, it means something entirely, controversially different.
Strength in a tough economy depends on having a Rhino thick skin, staying focused and completely ignoring the mass media. We urge you to make this a priority in these uncertain times. Here are 6 highly effective ways to do it:
- Don't get sucked into the negativity. It isn't the reality, it is only a perception and something to sell papers and brainwash society. You can disprove any mass theory in 10 seconds flat - it's not real and it only serves to cannibalise your wealth.
- Invest more. Now. Your friends and 'social advisers' will think you're nuts. Pull money out of every asset you have, even if that asset has reduced, use other people's money and pile it into undervalued asset classes such as property and stocks, and be greedy while others are fearful [You know the quote, right?]
- Build Your Brand. Now is the time to shout when everyone else is hiding. Leverage the lack of competition and get known. Turn your education in yourself into cash. Stand up and be counted. Lead. Educate, inspire and give others belief while no one else has the brass.(you can do this with great marketing sic which is why I am building a workshop called BrandMe)
- Invest in your education. You need resilience and toughness in these times, but you also need strategies too. Most people stop spending and therefore actually go backwards. When you invest and learn, you have double the edge on your competition. The best companies actually increase their marketing in a downturn while everyone else cuts spend. You are a heavyweight.
- Market & Advertise. Newspaper rate cards are dirt cheap. Less leaflets are getting sent out and publications will drop their pants for you. [pants= rates :-)] Increase your advertising spend and take a greater lion's share of the customers you'd never normally see.
- Raise non standard, non bank finance. Banging your head against the brick bank wall, begging for money will get you nowhere in this economy. Find private investors, JV partners and more liquid commercial facilities. Get fast money with no application process and no arrangement fees.
Don't pray this one out. Get out there and grab your best chance for 15 years.
Interesting isn't - of course, they are selling something - but perhaps something I might be going to.
Who knows - strange days cause for strange behaviours :)
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