Wednesday, 10 June 2015


It was interesting that last night at the Northern Soho event in Manchester at The Manchester Escalator. @McrEscalator

The event has been wonderfully Storified by @AnjleeB on

I spoke about this very thing. 

Maybe more to myself than the 30 or so creatives there.

That it is NOT the economy or the business you are in (when it's a startup.)

It's your mindset. Your happiness levels.

Your own abilities or lack of them that makes the difference.

It's harsh but true and beautifully put by Dave Ramsey here.


So the problem with my company then and now is me. The problem with your company is not the economy, it is not the lack of opportunity, it is not your team. The problem is you. That is the bad news. The good news is, if you’re the problem, you’re also the solution. 

You’re the one person you can change the easiest. You can decide to grow. Grow your abilities, your character, your education, and your capacity. You can decide who you want to be and get about the business of becoming that person. 

~ Dave Ramsey from EntreLeadership

I have made a decision to grow and to change.

Doing the talk at Northern Soho is part of that process.

Not just talking and training people in start up thinking and marketing (I do that as a job) BUT in doing so from a deeper POV. Warts and all. Even bringing in politics (not like me at all....)

And doing so from the point of creating change.

Northern Soho is a great organisation in  Manchester which is all about changing things including yourself. Northern Soho was made as they believe, quite rightly, that there's too much talk and not enough action in parts of the creative industry.

You see with the creative industries especially in Manchester - people can talk a lot but not do much.

As they put it "The issues we've been facing over the last 10 years haven't really changed.  This movement aims to bring the creative industry together to take action and raise awareness of the great work that comes out of our region and show what we can do!"

You can join them on Meetup in a positive space to share ideas, tips, issues, raise the bar creatively.

Lets share our passion for what we do.

Not just the agency owners and senior management, but anyone who works in an agency or a freelancer - we all have the power to bring about change and learn and teach.

Amen to that - that's what we are all about at our new start up Follogro.  Working with PR agencies and creative digital agencies to not only grow Twitter audiences but make a difference with the power that comes with doing so.