You see its now all about LOSOPHOMO.
Lo – location, so – social, pho –photography (and any use of the camera) and mo – mobile.
Let’s start with why this is an advertising revolution.
As Seth Godin rightly points out back in the day of mass consumerism so we got mass advertising, you didn’t really have to care about the demographic, only a few people controlled the channels of communication – you had money – you had a product – you paid for advertising – after a while people got the message – they bought your product.
You bumped in one message into the masses and by repetition and a lack of options people simply bought (that and it was a different time and so people loved buying new stuff for the sake of it.)
Now – we don’t have this luxury. Your customers are hit with 1000’s of advertising messages a day, they are savvy consumers, wise in the world of marketing, most of them (74%) don’t even believe the advertising they see. They are internet linked in, socially connected, potential brand assassins. They have a dropping level of attention, they know more and more, they want things that are relevant not to just their demographic but to them personally. They want instant gratification. They can take or leave your products and brands – this is the reality of the consumer society – the consumer has the power.
Into this society we bring marketing. We bring digital marketing. We bring greatmarketing. We have to change with the times, we need to produce promotions that will persuade, and we must add value in our advertising. This is LOSOPHOMO.
It is all LOSOPHOMO and then some – which is a new way of understanding the next level of the advertising revolution.